Nominations for the 2021 Board Elections are open until February 19. If you are actively interested or just curious about what service on NELA’s Board entails, please review the NELA Board Service Information Sheet. As you think about NELA colleagues who would be great Board members, don’t forget to think about yourself as well! Board members work hard for the organization, but also have a unique opportunity to do big picture strategizing while developing their own leadership, fundraising, and organizational skills.
Using the online 2021 Nominations Form, please submit your recommendations for Board candidates as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, February 19, 2021. In addition to stating your reasons for recommending the individual, please include the person’s name, address, telephone number, and email address as indicated on the form. As mentioned above, you may nominate yourself.
In forwarding names for consideration by the Nominating Committee, please keep in mind the general criteria that have been used in evaluating candidates for the Board. In addition to attendance at three annual Board meetings, Board members are routinely expected to devote a great deal of time and energy to a wide variety of NELA projects and activities, … Read More