Submitted electronically
The Honorable Betsy DeVos
U.S. Department of Education
Room S-3502
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202
Re: National Employment Lawyers Association’s Comments On NPRM Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance: RIN 1870-AA14, Docket ID ED-2018-OCR-0064
Application of Proposed Regulations to Sexual Harassment of Employees
Dear Secretary DeVos:
The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) respectfully submits the following comments opposing issuance of the Department of Education’s (DOE’s) Proposed Regulation referenced above.
NELA is the largest professional membership organization in the country of lawyers who represent employees in labor, employment, wage and hour, and civil rights disputes. NELA advances employee rights and serves lawyers who advocate for equality and justice in the American workplace. NELA and its 69 circuit, state, and local affiliates have a membership of over 4,000 attorneys who are committed to working on behalf of those who have been illegally treated in the workplace. Ending discrimination and ensuring adequate remedies for individuals who face discrimination in the workplace are NELA priorities.
NELA’s members litigate workplace harassment cases all across the country in all kinds of employment sectors. Many of our members represent employees of … Read More