Registration Rates

Advocate Registration Rates (Participating in Mock Trials)

Advocate registration closes Friday, September 13 and is limited to 56 participants. A waiting list will be available.





Camper Registration Rates (Observing Mock Trials)


By 9/13

Regular Rate


Late and On-Site

After 10/11

Regular Member




Legal Services/Public Interest/Government Attorney Members








Daily Rates (Campers Only) $475 Must be current NELA member.

NELA is an approved continuing legal education provider in California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Vermont.

The full registration fee includes attendance, all speaker materials in PDF, three continental breakfasts, three box lunches, refreshments, and a reception. Daily registration fees include attendance for the registered day, speaker materials in PDF, and all scheduled food functions. Attendance on a daily registration basis will be strictly enforced.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be submitted in writing to NELA (sorry, no exceptions) on or before September 27, 2024 . Registrants who cancel by this date will receive a refund minus a $50 administrative charge. Those who cancel after this date and no-show registrants will not receive a refund, but will have access to Boot Camp materials in electronic format. Questions? Email

Registration Confirmation

Receipt of registration will be confirmed via email for individuals who provide an email address, otherwise confirmations will be provided upon request. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us at