Contact: Laura M. Flegel
Legislative & Public Policy Director
(202) 898-2880, ext. 115
House Passes The FAIR Act To End Forced Arbitration
Time For The Senate To Act!
NELA applauds the passage of the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act (FAIR Act) today in the U.S. House of Representatives. We thank Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) who introduced the bill in the House and has been a steadfast leader in this fight. Passage of the FAIR Act in the House is a major milestone that brings us closer than ever before to ending the insidious and pervasive corporate practice of forcing workers and consumers to waive their rights to go to court when they are victims of corporate wrongdoing.
This is a huge victory for working people who, increasingly, have been subject to the whims of corporate employers with no recourse for illegal treatment. Forced arbitration was invented by corporations to shield themselves from accountability for illegal treatment of their employees. As plaintiffs’ employment lawyers, we believe the best way for corporations to protect themselves from liability is to invest in and prioritize compliance with the law and fair treatment of workers.
NELA has been a leader in the fight to end this harmful, unjust practice for more than a decade; we thank all of our NELA members who have challenged forced arbitration clauses in the courtroom, lobbied your members of Congress, and been engaged in countless ways that have brought us to this historic moment.
It is time for the Senate to take action. Over 60 million non-unionized workers are subject to forced arbitration today and the number is increasing every year. Forced arbitration has been the subject of a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee and the public overwhelmingly supports ending forced arbitration. We must turn up the heat on each of our U.S. Senators and tell them to pass the FAIR Act in the 116th Congress. Stay tuned for updates.
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The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) advances employee rights and serves lawyers who advocate for equality and justice in the American workplace. NELA provides assistance and support to lawyers in protecting the rights of employees against the greater resources of their employers and the defense bar. It is the country’s largest professional organization exclusively comprised of lawyers who represent individual employees in cases involving employment discrimination and other employment-related matters. NELA and its 69 circuit, state, and local Affiliates have more than 4,000 members around the country.