Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Re: Request for Comments on Proposed Amendments to Federal Rules and Forms (August 15, 2022)
Dear Members of the Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules,
The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) respectfully submits the following comments in response to the Proposed Amendments to Federal Rules and Forms. NELA opposes the proposed FRE 611(d). NELA is the largest professional membership organization in the country comprised of lawyers who represent employees in labor, employment, wage and hour, and civil rights disputes. Our mission is to advance worker’s rights and serve lawyers who advocate for equality and justice in the American workplace. NELA and its 69 circuit, state, and local affiliates have a membership of more than 4,000 attorneys who are committed to working on behalf of those who have faced illegal treatment in the workplace. NELA members litigate in every state and every circuit in the United States and collectively have substantial trial experience. This body of experience forms the basis for these comments as well as other comments we have made on proposed changes to the Federal Rules of Evidence.
The following comment is the submission of the National Employment … Read More