Empowering Workers' Rights Attorneys
Law students, recent law graduates, and those new to plaintiffs’ employment law are invited to join NELA and the National Institute for Workers’ Rights for an engaging and interactive discussion on how a career in plaintiff-side employment law offers a unique and meaningful way for new lawyers to use their skills to drive progressive social change. Experienced employment law practitioners will discuss their work as advocates for workers’ rights and how it intersects with and advances other social justice issues including civil rights, immigration, environmental justice, LGBTQ rights, and gender equality. The panelists also will address how to enter the plaintiffs’ employment law field and what skills and experience can help law students be successful advocates as they begin their legal careers.
Prior to joining Nichols Kaster, Ms. Coleman served as an Attorney-Advisor to the Honorable Christopher Larsen at the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges in San Francisco, California. She collaborated with ALJ Larsen to manage and decide employment matters, including whistleblower, immigration, and workers’ compensation cases. During law school Clara focused on the advancement of workers’ rights, advocating for employees in her two clerkship positions at plaintiff-side employment firms and as a student-attorney for the Public Justice Advocacy Clinic. She is a member of the National Employment Lawyers Association and the Minnesota Lavender Bar Association.
Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park
4:00–6:00 p.m. Central
June 28, 2023
Reception 6:00 p.m.
The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) empowers workers’ rights attorneys through legal training, promoting a fair judiciary, and advocating for laws and policies that level the playing field for workers.
We aspire to a future in which all workers are treated with dignity and respect; workplaces are equitable, diverse, and inclusive; and the well-being of workers is a priority in business practices.
Wednesday, June 28
6:30 p.m.
Convention participants are invited to join NELA President Linda M. Correia, the NELA Board, and the 2023 Annual Convention Committee for an informal gathering to celebrate 38 years of workers’ rights advocacy, renew friendships, and make new ones. First-time Convention participants are especially encouraged to attend.
The President’s Welcome Reception is generously co-sponsored by AARP Foundation Litigation & NELA/Illinois.
Throughout the Convention
Grab a Passport to Success card for a chance to win a complimentary registration to a 2024 CLE of your choice! Throughout the 2023 Convention, visit our exhibitors and NELA program tables to get your passport stamped. Turn in your completed passport at the registration desk to be entered into a drawing for a complimentary registration to a 2024 CLE of your choice!
NELA is proud to welcome worker organizers who are leading the charge in uniting their co-workers in pursuit of living wages, safer working conditions, and freedom from harassment and discrimination. Join our moderator Kim Bobo (Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy) and panelists Roberto Clack (Temp Worker Justice), Stacy Davis Gates (Chicago Teachers Union), and Brandi McNease (Chipotle United) to hear their incredible stories of grassroots advocacy and how NELA members can support workers as they engage in the fight to unionize.
12:15–1:45 p.m. Central
June 29, 2023
1 ticket included with registration.
Additional tickets available at the door.
Thursday, June 29
5:15 p.m.
All are invited to help us honor five of your colleagues for their inspiring contributions to the NELA community and the cause of justice for workers. The National Institute for Workers’ Rights will also present its annual Impact for Workers Award. Read more about the Awards Presentation.
5:15–6:30 p.m. Central
June 29, 2023
Entry included with registration.
Thursday, June 29
6:30 p.m.
Join your fellow workers’ rights advocates as we gather after the first full day of sessions. Come by for light refreshments, make plans for dinner with long-time friends and new, and enjoy all Chicago has to offer.
The Annual Reception is included in the registration fee for Convention registrants only. Guest tickets for the Annual Reception may be purchased at the Registration Desk or at the door.
Friday, June 30
Meet in the hotel lobby at 7:00 a.m.
Gather in the hotel lobby Friday morning for the Annual Tobias 5K run. Start your day with a fun run through downtown Chicago with your fellow advocates. Prizes will be awarded!
NELA Headquarters
1800 Sutter Street, Suite 210
Concord, CA 94520
(415) 296-7629
Washington DC Office
C/O AFL-CIO 815 Black Lives Matter Plaza NW
Washington DC, 20006
Email: nelahq@nelahq.org
Fax: (866) 593-7521
© 2000–2025
NELA. All Rights Reserved
Bernard Alexander, III prosecutes demanding private and public sector employment cases. He has tried over sixty cases to verdict with seven- and eight-figure judgments for claims of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on gender, race, age, sex, sexual orientation, and disability, among other things. Over the last 9 months his verdicts include: (1) $3 million for a security guard terminated for “job abandonment” after he took emergency leave from work to care for his school age daughter (February 2018); (2) $5.3 million for a 25-year FedEx employee fired after not having his disability accommodated (March 2019); (3) $1.3 million for CFRA retaliation, for a 29-year employee terminated before his return from leave (April 2019); and $100,000 in a Title IX retaliation case where a Girls’ Soccer Coach complained of unequal treatment compared to boys sports (Sept 2019). Board Member of the National Employment Lawyers Association; Past Chair of the California Employment Law Association; 2016 CELA Joe Posner Award Recipient; 2019 Top 100 Attorneys in California; Top 75 California Labor and Employment Lawyer (2012 to present); Top 100 Southern California Super Lawyers (2015 to present); American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA): Associate 2013.