The practice of wage and hour law is constantly changing, and an understanding of the nuances of wage and hour actions under the Fair Labor Standards Act and related laws is essential for employee rights lawyers. Moreover, strengthening bonds within the workers’ rights community will be paramount as we prepare to face a federal government that will be hostile to the rights of employees. Litigating Wage & Hour Cases: Challenges & Opportunities examines cutting-edge developments in this dynamic field and provides practical tips and strategies to help you navigate the maze of regulatory, procedural, and substantive laws facing your clients.
- Significant Developments, Recent Trends & Emerging Issues In Wage & Hour Law
- Recovering Stolen Wages From “Fissured” Workplaces
- The Nuts & Bolts Of A Wage & Hour Case From Intake To Resolution<
- The Scourge Of Bankruptcy: Successful Strategies To Collect Judgments & Prevent Employers From Dissipating Assets
- Litigating Wage & Hour Cases On Behalf Of Federal Employees
- Representing Workers In Motor Carrier Act Cases
- Taking Effective 30(b)(6) Depositions In Wage & Hour Cases
- Litigating Claims On Behalf Of Low-Wage & Immigrant Workers
- Wage & Hour Litigation From The Defense Perspective
- How To Settle Without “Settling”
- Winning Wage & Hour Trials Without Really Trying
- Strategies For Securing Wages In The Face Of Government Hostility & Under-Enforcement
View the Table of Contents. Orders will be fulfilled 4-6 weeks after the seminar.