In 2024, NELA made significant gains in our campaign to eliminate damage caps in employment discrimination cases. On May 8, in a milestone for workers’ rights, Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) and Bobby Scott (D-VA), and Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) introduced the Equal Remedies Act of 2024. The legislation calls for the elimination of statutory damage caps for employment discrimination in civil rights cases, and would modernize the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) to allow those who experience age discrimination to pursue compensatory and punitive damages.
The introduction of the Equal Remedies Act of 2024 is the first time in nearly 20 years that damage caps have been emphasized in a significant way. Our collective efforts have also helped us build valuable relationships on Capitol Hill and strengthen our coalition. Together, we have initiated an important dialogue about the harm of these arbitrary limits
to workers seeking justice.
In addition to supporting worker-friendly legislation, NELA has continued its collaboration with the DOL and the EEOC, supported highly qualified executive and judicial nominees, and provided comments and testimony on critical issues impacting workers’ rights advocates
and their clients.
Comments Filed
Recruitment and Relocation Incentive Waivers (OPM)
RIN 3206-AO36
Personnel Appeals Board; Procedural Rules (GAO)
4 CFR Part 28
Time-Limited Promotions (OPM)
RIN 3206-AO52
Bar to Appointment of Persons Who Fail to Register Under Selective Service Law (OPM)
RIN 3206-AO37
Labor Certification for Permanent Employment of Foreign Workers in the United States; Modernizing Schedule A To Include Consideration of Additional Occupations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Non-STEM Occupations (DOL)
Docket (ETA-2023-0006)
Interim Final Rule Organization and Procedures (MSPB)
5 CFR Parts 1200, 1201, 1203, and 1209